Harini Shree Bhaskaran

About Me

Research Interests

Machine Learning, Data Visualization and Data Analysis.


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Patrice C. Roy; Samina Raza Abidi; Syed Sibte Raza Abidi

Monitoring Medication Adherence in Smart Environments in the Context of Patient Self-Management: A Knowledge-Driven Approach Book Chapter

In: Bouchard, Bruno; Bouzouane, Abdenour; Guillet, Sébastien (Ed.): Assistive Technologies in Smart Environments for People with Disabilities, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, 2016, ISBN: 9781498722001.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Self-Management, Smart Homes


Patrice C. Roy; Nicolas Lachiche; Pierre Gançarski; Alban Meffre; Christophe Collet

Generic Architecture for Ambient Intelligence based on an Organizational Centered Multi-Agent Approach Proceedings Article

In: Dey, Anind K.; Chu, Hao-Hua; Hayes, Gillian (Ed.): Proceedings of the 2012 ACM Conference on Ubiquitous Computing (UbiComp'12). Adaptable Service Delivery in Smart Environments Workshop Session., pp. 786-789, ACM, Pittsburgh, PA, USA, 2012, ISBN: 978-1-4503-1224-0.

BibTeX | Tags: Ambient Intelligence, Multi-Agent System, Smart Homes


Patrice C. Roy; Sylvain Giroux; Bruno Bouchard; Abdenour Bouzouane; Clifton Phua; Andrei Tolstikov; Jit Biswas

Possibilistic Behavior Recognition in Smart Homes for Cognitive Assistance Proceedings Article

In: AAAI Workshop on Plan, Activity, and Intent Recognition (PAIR) 2010, the Twenty-Fourth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-10), pp. 53-60, AAAI Press, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Possibility theory, Smart Homes

Patrice C. Roy; Bruno Bouchard; Abdenour Bouzouane; Sylvain Giroux

Possibilistic Activity Recognition Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Agents and Artificial Intelligence 2010 (ICAART'10), pp. 1-6, Valencia, Spain INSTICC, 2010.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Possibility theory, Smart Homes


Clifton Phua; Jit Biswas; Andrei Tolstikov; Victor Siang Fook Foo; Jayachandra Maniyeri; Aung Phyo Wai Aung; Patrice C. Roy; Hamdi Aloulou; Mohamed Ali Feki; Sylvain Giroux; Abdenour Bouzouane; Bruno Bouchard

Plan Recognition based on Sensor Produced Micro-Context for Eldercare Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Context-Awareness in Smart Environments: Background, Achievements and Challenges (CASEbac 2009). Co-located event of the 18th IEEE International Symp, pp. 39-46, Toyama, Japan, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Plan Recognition, Smart Homes

Patrice C. Roy; Bruno Bouchard; Abdenour Bouzouane; Sylvain Giroux

A Possibilistic Model for Activity Recognition in Smart Homes Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings of The First International Workshop on Context-Awareness in Smart Environments: Background, Achievements and Challenges (CASEbac 2009). Co-located event of the 18th IEEE International Symp, pp. 9-16, Toyama, Japan, 2009.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Possibility theory, Smart Homes

Patrice C. Roy; Bruno Bouchard; Abdenour Bouzouane; Sylvain Giroux

Ambient Activity Recognition: A Possibilistic Approach Proceedings Article

In: dos Reis, António Palma (Ed.): Proceedings of the IADIS International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Agents (ISA'09), pp. 231-235, IADIS, Algarve, Portugal, 2009, ISBN: 978-972-8924-87-4.

BibTeX | Tags: Activity Recognition, Possibility theory, Smart Homes