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I am a Professor of Computer Science, Professor of Medicine and Director of the Health Informatics at Dalhousie University, Canada. I lead the NICHE (kNowledge Intensive Computing for Healthcare Enterprises) research group.


My research interests span Artificial Intelligence and Data Analytics applied to healthcare vis-à-vis Health Informatics/Digital Health. I am particularly interested in investigating and developing AI-based methods to develop innovative healthcare solutions targeting health data analytics for personalized, predictive and precision medicine; clinical decision support based on computerization of clinical guidelines; patient empowerment strategies for behaviour modification, self-management and ambient assisted living; and global health.


My passion is to develop innovative digital health solutions to provide lifetime healthcare to all. As such, I have developed and implemented a range of innovative, real-life digital health systems for healthcare providers, patients and healthcare administrators, targeting evidence-based and data-informed point-of-care clinical decision support, personalized education, and health system optimization, respectively.


For over 20 years, I have been involved with health informatics academics, research and innovation, advocacy, expert review, professional talks, and policy development at both international and national levels. Currently, I am a Board Member of Digital Health Canada. Based on my research work I am the recipient of the Canadian Health Informatics Leadership Award, International Award for Innovation in Medical Informatics, Research Excellence Award and 6 best paper awards.


As an academic, I have the privilege of working with talented students who are innovating solutions and shaping the healthcare delivery landscape in Canada and abroad. Jointly working with over 75 graduate students, we have published over 200 research articles at top research venues and developed over 40 state-of-the-art digital health systems funded by both government agencies and industry. You can find more information about my research activities by visiting the dedicated web-pages.


Prior to joining Dalhousie University, I worked in Malaysia at Universiti Sains Malaysia (1995-2001) and in England at University of Surrey (1993-1994).

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